Autumn Craft & Vintage Market
- October 14, 2023
- Frontier Events Center | Dillon, MT
6’ Table Rental is $5 per table (to be paid for at the event) (very limited)
Exhibitor/Sponsor Agreement:
October 14, 2023
10am – 4pm
Frontier Events Center
Dillon, MT
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You agree to abide by the Exhibitor Agreement. This is not a Juried event.
1.) All exhibits must be paid in full on or before October 1st to reserve your space. Early bird discount ends on September 20th, the cost of the event does go up $25 Septemberl 21st.
2.) No signs or advertising devices shall be displayed outside space other than those furnished by sponsors. Displays blocking the unobstructed view from space are prohibited. No displays or signs may be affixed to building walls, posts, windows or doors.
3.) All Exhibits must be confined to the space they are registered for. Exhibitors assume all liabilities and/or obligations caused by faulty or improper displays. Also responsible for keeping your space clean for the safety of the public, and making sure your space is clean when you leave at the end of the event.
4.) Exhibitors shall abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations of the State of Montana and the City of Dillon, and County of Beaverhead, and departments thereof and all rules of the Frontier Event Center.
5.) Once the contract is accepted (by you clicking the agreement below) -Exhibitors shall not be entitled to a refund of any part of any fee should the exhibitor for any reason be unable to attend the Show, or cancel any space previously contracted for. This includes any mlm/direct sales companies who don’t follow the rules by checking to see if that company is already registered. No space shall be resold to another vendor or given to another vendor from one vendor to another. Payment in full is required with registration.
6.) Our staff reserves the right to alter or change space assigned to Exhibitor, to alter or remove exhibitors or any part thereof, including printed materials, products, signs, lights or sound, and to expel exhibitors or their personnel if their conduct or presentation is objectionable to other Exhibitors.
7.) If the Event should be cancelled for circumstances beyond our control, i.e., Act of God, Act of War, government emergency, labor dispute, or the unavailability of the site for any reason, Treasure Chest Events may, but is not required to, refund each exhibitor their paid booth space rental fee, less a percentage equal to the costs incurred by those hosting the event, to date.
8.) Exhibitors read, understand and will abide to the terms of the event. Exhibitors MUST be in attendance at their space for the entirety of the Event, or have someone there to answer questions when you can’t be. Set up is Friday 1pm-6pm, Saturday from 7am-9:30am Vendor meeting at 9:30 am, all vendors MUST be present. Doors open to the public October 14th at 10:00 am, and ends at 4:00 pm.
9.) Each Vendor is responsible for their area, and the garbage in their area. Area MUST be clean and free of trash before leaving. If garbage or trash is found, there will be an additional charge for clean up.
10.) The applicant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and protect against, any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, loss, cost, attorney fees and expenses of damages, loss, cost, attorney fees and expense of whatever kind or nature which might result from or arise out of any action or failure to act of the applicant of any of its representatives, including but not limited to claims or damage or loss to property, of from or out of any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or any property of the applicant or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, water, accident or any other cause. Neither Gina Deschamps, Treasure Chest Events crew nor Frontier Event Center will obtain insurance against any such damage, loss, harm or injury. Any photos, video, or audio taken at the Event are the property of Gina Deschamps and can be used by Gina Deschamps and Treasure Chest Events for any form present and/or future advertising and/pr promotion.
11.) NO purchasing items from vendors at an event, and reselling the item at the SAME event. That will get you banned from our events.
12.) Parking: All vehicles must be parked to the VENDOR parking lot, once unloaded, The main parking lot parking lot MUST be empty and ready for customers. Vendors who park there are subject to being towed at the owners expense.
13.) TENTS OR CANOPIES are allowed inside the buildings WITHOUT the top on
14.) NOTHING can be attached or hung from walls or ceiling. All displays must be free standing. NO EXCEPTIONS.
SET UP Hours are: Friday, 1pm-6pm & Saturday 7am-9:30am
These times are subject to change, please make sure to join our Facebook group to get floor map and all updates for the event.
OPEN to the public Saturday April 14th 10am-4pm
For questions, Please contact Gina at 406-360-6743 or Steve at 406-361-0281or via email at
Registration Form
Your registration is NOT complete until you have submitted this form AND completed your payment on the next page. You willl be re-directed to the payment page when you submit this form.